Building a work team, within different and complementary companies, represented the key of our companies’ success in the countries we operate in. When we are given a budget, we provide the best economic expectations from the projects, especially when the goal is a prompt revenue on the investment.


We have been operating since 1991, we have developed a strong knowledge of the territory and we are proud of having established professional relationships as well as sincere friendships that allow us to live the local reality in first person. Also because our business comes from a direct investigation.
Within our framework we deal in 4 different business’ fields:


Mediterraneo NCM Ltd

Società di impresa e sviluppo commerciale nei Paesi emergenti dell'area mediterranea.


Mase Generators produce e distribuisce gruppi elettrogeni e generatori di energia.


Uno dei maggiori gruppi farmaceutici mondiali, leader nei più importanti settori dell' area della salute.

STG Group

Leader a livello mondiale nella fornitura di equipaggiamenti e servizi per impianti siderurgici.

Green Field JSC


Trattori e Macchine Agricole.

Salmon & Co

Architecture and Design

Fondo Sovrano di Investimento

Partner finanziario locale.

Jabel Sawno




In order to design and build is not only appropriate, but also necessary and essential, the specific contribution of a variety of specialists; this variety though is unable to build a decent architecture without a figure that can organize and manage the work of everyone and that knows the final goal.

Ludovico Quaroni

2013-2020 © Mediterraneo NCM Srl - Vicolo Teatro, 3 - 25015 - Desenzano del Garda (BS) - P.IVA, C.F., Reg. Imp. BS 04045810985 - REA BS584330
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